Thursday, December 29, 2022

Letting Go

1 Day left until retirement!

I am in the final stages of tying up loose ends at work. I have been diligently sharing everything I can with my successor, Edward, in the forty training days we worked together. Edward will be fine with or without my phone number. 

My goal is to take the leap of faith that I have successfully dumped everything from my brain on to paper and into systems that will make it work for Edward long after my last day.

I have made a pledge to myself to be hypervigilant about letting go of Hygieia things that pop into my brain in the middle of January and later. I am committed to not calling (or emailing or texting) him with comments such as, "Edward, I just remembered I forgot to tell you about..." I am going to trust the process. If Edward wants my input, Edward will contact me. End of story.

I am not the boss of the world. Even if I had been, I am now retiring. I did my best. I believe this will be very freeing for me to stop thinking about what other people may need or how I may have failed them in some way. 

On December 16th, co-workers had a 'low key' retirement reception for me and presented me with a video they had produced. I will treasure this video for years to come. Here is a link to the video if you are interested in watching it.

If you have difficulty accessing it, feel free to send me an email at and I'll grant you access in another way.

The only reason I am not a total emotional wreck is that I know I am not saying goodbye to people at Hygieia. People are welcome to stay in touch if they wish. I want to hear all about their successes and skinned knees and messy lives. I want them to know I still care about them as the caring, kind people they are as they figure out their own careers and personal lives. It was never about the money for me. It was always about how we can help each other to be our very best selves.

Hygieia people will always be a part of my circle.

My work at Hygieia is one day away from finished. My work at learning to be retired from business and a relaxed human being is just beginning.


  1. Hi Beth...I went to blog-spot to find your blog and I found out I had started a BLOG back in about 2009. I used the name June Dillon. Just an alias that I use to use at an old job. Anyway, I want to follow your blog and your new adventures on this 1st year of Retirement. I hope you and Joe plan on making a trip to Ohio. Congratulations on your retirement.

    1. Joan - So glad you have a photo and that I now know you as June Dillon! We are definitely planning on being in Ohio. My brother, Jeff, is letting us stay at his place at the lake in Michgan so that we can spend loads of time visiting people in Ohio. Our trip will start in Northern California and Oregon in early March and then we will be working our way across the southern part of the U.S., then the eastern seaboard, and then into New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and settling in Minnesota. Once we settle in Minnesota we will be about 10 hours from Bryan. I know how you and Gary like to tak a drive... you can drive over to stay with us!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...