Saturday, December 31, 2022

Weekend 1 of Retirement

This morning I discovered several mindset changes that I think are a result of retirement.

The first happened when I selected my clothes for the day. I could wear anything I wanted! It was at that moment I realized that in the past I would bypass the shirts I wore to work for my home clothes. It’s not like there really is much difference. Except my work clothes are the nicer clothes. So now all my clothes are “home” clothes and will be nicer.

The second change was when my husband said he was going to the shop (he retires at the end of next week – he’s trying to finish mothballing the shop he works in as they have not hired a replacement machinist. He gave notice to them the same time I let Hygieia know around April of 2021) to work on a personal project and was taking a load of hazardous waste items to the recycle at the landfill. When he works in the shop, I like to go with him as it makes me feel better to know I am nearby should he get hurt and I can get him medical attention. Side note: In 50 years he’s only ever had one injury that required medical attention and the incident did not occur while machining.

The second change though was that I told him I’d go and didn’t give it another thought. Usually, I’ll have a conversation in my head about how tired I am feeling and how I wished he’d go in on a weeknight when I already am tired from the day instead of my weekend which is rest time. While I had those conversations with myself – I never had them with Joe and would of course go with him because his safety was the most important thing to me.

Much like my foray to the closet this morning. I wasn’t even aware that I had been having these mental conversations UNTIL I didn’t have them this morning.

The third discovery of my day is that  I notice a  marked increase in my energy level. This is a welcome sensation. In the past Saturday’s were my recoup day and Sunday was chore day. Now everyday can be a rest day and a chore day and I do not have to save energy to go back to work on Monday! 

I now have a deeper appreciation of why my retired friends on Facebook look healthier and happier than during their working life.

I had always planned to work until I was at least 70 years old. I sure am glad I didn’t wait.




Black Friday Shopping Experience (aka Joe's Amazing Adventure)

On Friday morning (aka Black Friday), Joe and I drove to Saint Michael Cinema 15 for their annual popcorn bucket sale. This was the only sho...