Monday, January 16, 2023

Be That Woman

There will be days I will not feel inspired to write. However, I will share what inspires me. One of my favorite historians and political writers is Heather Cox Richardson. On days that she cannot write, she shares photographs. It feels to me like she is saying, "I know you are there, and I am thinking of you, too. Here is my gift for today."

Sometimes someone else writes exactly what I think. Donna Ashworth's poem Be That Woman resonates with me. It is my offering to you today.


by Donna Ashworth

Be the kind of woman you want to call when things go wrong.
Be the motivator, the encourager of dreams.
Be the kind of fierce friend you want to have yourself.
Love your girlfriends deeply, they are your sister warriors in this world and only they know just what a crazy, hormonal ride womanhood really is.
Be loyal, love hard.
Be a soulmate, be a sister.
Be strong, be kind.
Listen hard and laugh lots.
Tell the truth but keep the secrets.
Big up everyone you meet.
Kind words travel endlessly.
If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.
Spread the sparkle of a smile and a compliment whenever you can.
There is room for us all to be happy and successful.
Lend a hand if you’re there already.
Pull your girls up.
Push them if you need to.
Straighten each other’s crowns, spot the lipstick on the teeth and the loo paper on the shoes.
Avoid the drama, smile at the haters, they’re actually admiring you from afar.

She posted her poem on Facebook with this piece of art by Kelly's Art From the Soul:

This work makes me want to pick up a brush and paint!


  1. I love this and I try to live this! Kim

  2. This is exactly how I try to live. Can I share this poem on Facebook? Diae.


Words Matter

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