Friday, January 20, 2023

Kick it Up A Notch

Over these first three weeks of my retirement, I have been scheduling daily connections because I love these people and also, so I have a reason to get dressed each day and go out for a bit. Today I have plans for lunch with my friend Ginger, While I didn't go out yesterday, Kim stopped by for a glass of wine after her workday ended and Sarah met up with her at my house before they went out to dinner. I deeply appreciate the time people are making in their life for me. 

I especially look forward to my weekly virtual connection with my friend J back east. The first time we met, virtually, I felt an instant connection. Over the last couple of years, it has only grown stronger. She is on our list of people to visit during our upcoming trip.

This morning we talked about our children, the health of other family members, and her art goals among other topics. She asked me a question this morning, “Are you still practicing your regiment?” She was referring to a program I started last spring where I eliminated certain foods in an effort to focus on healthy eating. From early May until late October, I made significant changes in my daily food habits, and it paid off handsomely. The program was simple in my mind. Easy to do and I was rewarded with more energy, increased focus, a positive outlook, and weight loss.

I am so glad J brought this up as it reminded me that I have pledged to restart the program tomorrow! As in Saturday, January 21, 2023. As soon as I put a commitment down, I tend to stick with the commitment date. One example of how this works for me is that I decided in November of 1990 to stop smoking cigarettes as of midnight on December 31st. I did quit – cold turkey. Haven’t had a cigarette since that time.

A second example is I made the commitment in 2021 to retire at the end of 2022 and putting a date on the plan helped me to focus on making it a reality.

Making my mind up is always the first step. Setting a deadline or date to start is the second step. Implementation is the third step. I wish food were that simple. Giving up cigarettes, retirement, our upcoming trip, and moving to Minnesota seem so much simpler than food programs. Since the last Thursday in December, I have been enjoying a daily one-hour hypnotherapy session for weight loss. I have lost zero pounds; however, I have been having impressive deep relaxation sessions.

I have concluded, as I started my fourth week of hypnotherapy, it is because all of the suggestions (so far) that are being planted in my brain are already known to me. I already know all of the right things to do. It is motivation that I lack. Or perhaps that my desire for certain foods exceeds my desire to feel great. What in the heck is that about??

Last year I did a weeklong deep dive into emotional eating and discovered I am not an emotional eater. I have never figured out what I am except that I love the tastes of certain foods and my ‘full’ thermometer is broken on occasion. I am convinced though that if I can move more, it will all help. So here is my plan starting tomorrow:

·         Back on program of eliminating dairy, alcohol, gluten, caffeine, and sugar.

·         Move more! I have a couple of videos I’ve downloaded to get started with 5–10-minute movement sessions at least three times a day (Morning, lunch time, after dinner).

Thank you, J, for the inspiration.

I got this!

1 comment:

Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...