Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Journal Entry

It’s the end of the day and we are almost packed for our trip to Crescent City and Oregon. We leave in the morning when we get up. It is expected to take 6 ½ hours and anticipate it will take longer as we like to stop each hour and stretch our legs. Our goal is to be in our campsite before dark.

We will be trying out car camping to test how it will work when we begin the big trip at the end of March. Our hope is to give ourselves options as we travel the United States so that if we want to explore we are not limited by a lack of hotel rooms.

Tomorrow I am going to try to remember, as we make our hourly stops, to take photos for this blog. It will also allow me to figure out if I can get into a blogging routine while traveling. Have laptop will blog.

Sad news today. A friend of ours lost her adult son. He passed away last night in his sleep. Our thoughts are with his family as they deal with the loss of their son, husband, father.

Joe spent the afternoon and into the evening talking with an about-to-graduate mechanical engineer, Leo. Joe had a good time, sharing insights into machining with Leo. At the 4 ½ hour mark I reminded Joe he still needed to finish his packing. I then called Karl (from yesterday) and asked if he would be willing to talk with Leo. They have interests in common. I thought it would be nice if they could connect and I hope they can find a way to be mutually supportive of each other.

So now it’s off to bed so I can be ready to travel tomorrow!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...