Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 Today has been a relaxing day. We met with the moving company this morning for a general walk through and all is good – we got a few more tips to help with packing some odd sized items. It was nice to take a break from packing.

One of my many cousins on my mom’s side gave me a call today out of the blue. My cousin is 67 years old, and we were very close growing up – until I married at 18 and moved to California. She said she came across my phone number and decided to call me. We had a nice time catching up. She does not use social media or even go on the internet so had no idea we were planning to move to Minnesota.

Joe and I received an awesome gift today from my friend J in New Jersey. She sent a book entitled “The Well Gardened Mind” by Sue Stuart-Smith. I am looking forward to reading it aloud to Joe on our trip (while he takes his turn driving).

Joe is working on valuing his tool inventory and I have been watching a series called Chuck on HBO Max. It is funny and I am glad I took the break.

An almost full day of just enjoying the moment. I love retirement.

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Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...