Monday, March 27, 2023

Q & A - Moving and Travels


The movers came today. They took away all 131 boxes and much of the furniture. I felt sad when the truck rolled away. It was a brief sadness. I love our Woodland home. I love it because it’s where we reared three kids and it is full of great memories. I am ready though for new adventures.

One of my friends texted this morning with questions about our move. She wrote, “ Sorry but I’m one of those people that this will bug the crap out of me for months. LOL. You don’t have to answer any of my quirky questions, you know.”

She was referring to her questions around details of our move and trip.

The thing is that I am very transparent about what our plans are and I recognize that people do care what happens to us.

One thing right away – neither one of us is having a midlife crisis or suffering with dementia (that we know of). We are both adventurers in our own way. We are calculated risk takers.

So, feel free to ask questions. I will repeat myself as many times as it takes to reassure people that we are safe and sane.

Here are the questions we are getting from several different people:

Q: Wait, you are moving? Where are you moving to?

A: Yes, we are moving. We are moving to Rockford, Minnesota.

Q: I am confused – are you moving or taking a road trip? If you are taking a road trip why are all of your things boxed up?

A: We are moving AND taking a road trip at the same time. Our belongings are going to Minnesota now so we did not have to put our items in storage and pay storage fees while we were on the road.

Q: Where will all those boxes be stored while you and Joe are traveling around the USA?

A: At our daughter Megan’s home in Rockford, Mn. She has a fully finished basement with a bedroom, bathroom, living space, and utility room. Joe’s tool boxes will go in the garage and the rest of the stuff in the basement. It will be our apartment until we find or build a house. We will share her kitchen which is at the top of the stairs.

Q: Will the delivery people put everything downstairs and you’ll have to take them all Upstairs when you find a place to live??

A: Yes, the delivery people will put everything in the basement for us. When we move from the basement to our own home, we will most likely hire movers again and they will do the heavy lifting.

Q: Are you taking your plants with you?

A: No. We are gifting them to Kim. She is welcome to give them to others if she chooses.

Q: During your trip will you be in ???

A: Right now, we are planning to go wherever we want.  We have scheduled our April visits in Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. About mid -April I will begin scheduling our May visits with people along the eastern seaboard. If you have not mentioned that you would like us to drop by to see you, please feel free to text me at 530-867-5696 (but include your name) or Messenger me if you are already a Facebook friend. Some folks we are seeing for several days and others we are meeting up with for lunch or dinner or a cup of coffee or a tour of their town. We are not asking for anything in return except your time! We even have our Subaru Outback set up to car camp so that we have the freedom to sleep almost anywhere (a National Park, a roadside rest, a state park, a Pilot Truckstop, etc. We are blessed to have a number of folks offer to let us stay in their home. We appreciate that. At the same time, we don’t want anyone to feel obligated to put us up.

Q: How long do you plan to travel.

A: Well, Megan would like to have us in Rockford by September because that’s when football season starts (we are her childcare for football games). We will end our trip in Rockford this year and then in 2024 plan to do Dakota’s and head west for another road trip.



Words Matter

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