Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Crescent Beach, Nova Scotia (Road Trip Day 57)

 We visited Crescent Beach today. The drive was about 40 minutes from our campsite, and we enjoyed the homes and small towns we drove past. Once we arrived at Crescent Beach, we drove down a long stretch of land and then onto the beach.

Joe went off exploring while I connected with a friend on Facetime and had a lovely visit. I found the sound of the waves soothing. I read for awhile while Joe also read (aka ‘nap’), After about 4 hours of multiple walks (for Joe, only 1 walk for me) on the beach and watching the tide go from low to high, we headed back to the town of Bridgewater and ate dinner.

Here are a few photos and a video from today’s beach visit.

Low tide at Crescent Beach
Ducks at Crescent Beach - Noisy group!

Video so you can see and hear the sounds of the waves

Last night, before dark and while the tide was low, Joe went for a walk among the rocks near the beach at where we are camping. He came across initials and a date carved into the rock. He showed the photo to the campground owner's adult grandchildren. They grew up here and explored the area thoroughly. They were excited by Joe's find of the carvings as they had not come across them in the past.

I also wanted to let you all know that in Canada they do not have restrooms, they have washrooms!

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