Monday, May 1, 2023

Sweet Caroline(a) (Road Trip Day 34)

We met up with my cousin Troy and his wife Candace in Greenville South Carolina today for lunch at an Asian restaurant. Great food and an enjoyable visit. Like his younger brother, Kurt (Saturday’s blog), we had last seen each other at our grandmother’s funeral in June of 1996. Troy is the eldest child of my Aunt Janet and Uncle Doug.

We found lots to talk about, sharing career and work experiences over the years and learning about children and grandchildren. While retired, Troy now finds pleasure in refereeing soccer matches for youngsters and high school aged teams. Both Candace and Troy are active in volunteer work for their church. We enjoyed getting to catch up with Troy and meeting Candace.

After our 2 ½ hour lunch we headed to Davidson, North Carolina to visit with our friends MD and RD. MD and I met on an online chat group thirteen years ago. She and her husband, RD had been to California on a business/pleasure trip and had met us in 2011 at Stinson Beach, CA. Several years later we met up with another friend in Pennsylvania for dinner. We have stayed in touch over the years, and we treasure their friendship. They have generously opened their home to us for the next few days.

MD is a writer and she relaxed us this evening with a reading of two of her poems and a short story she had entered (and won second place) in a North Carolina and South Carolina regional writing contest. Her writing translates itself beautifully into the spoken word. It felt as if I were transported into the places she described. I could see the people in the story as she read. MD is incredibly gifted. I am looking forward to the day her first novel is published.

RD is always gracious to us. I could sit and talk with these two magical people for hours. Oh wait, we did just that! RD’s work week is Wednesday through Monday so the next two days are his weekend. RD and MD are taking us off on a touring adventure tomorrow. I can hardly wait!

We are also excited at the prospect of meeting MD’s dad. He was a career machinist! Now retired, he enjoys wood carving. MD tells us his work is quite intricate and that he also incorporates other materials besides wood into his sculptures.

Today’s photos are from the first northbound rest stop inside the North Carolina border.

We saw two billboards today on the road that drew our attention.

The first was in South Carolina and advertised quite explicitly an Adult Store. Both Joe and I (who are not prudes) were surprised at this. Not what we had expected from a state with multiple churches in the same block everywhere we have traveled.

The second billboard was right after we crossed from South Carolina into North Carolina. It read, “Abortion is legal in North Carolina.” I thought that was rather neighborly of North Carolina to extend an open invite for anyone ever faced with the difficult decision of ending a pregnancy.

I did a Google search and both types of billboards have generated legal challenges. Guess Joe and I are not the only folks to be surprised by billboards.

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