Saturday, July 29, 2023

Daily Stuff and Gratitude

Joe has been an early riser during the twenty-nine years we have been married. Since retirement he has slept in until 5:00 am most days. This past week he has been walking the dogs, Pan and Rufio before the pavement heats up. I caught a photo of Joe and Pan post-walk this morning.

Last night, I started the process of acquiring a Short-Call Substitute Teacher License in Minnesota. I have not substituted in about thirteen years so the system could be the same as in California. Here instead of registering with a school district you register with an agency – Teachers on Call. The Rockford School District web site states that subs are needed.

Today I updated my resume for Teachers on Call per their requirements. I have an interview scheduled for August 14th. We will see how that goes and if I can work in this district. My plan is to work 2-3 days a week at most and to be able to travel when I want.

Today I also took time to reflect on what I appreciate about my life today. My first thoughts:

  • Internet speed is consistent. During our trip, internet access could be a challenge.
  • Ease of charging electronics.
  • Having our own space to retreat to at the end of each day and we always have a shower!
  • The distance to the bathroom, especially in the middle of the night, is close to the bedroom and I don’t have to think about alligators or bears.
  • Seeing Megan regularly.
  • Jeremy is so easy to be around.
  • We get time with Caleb and Charlotte (our grands) each week.
  • Megan’s meal planning and cooking.
  • I have not seen one deer in the area so no driving anxiety (yet).

1 comment:

  1. That's a good plan, to be on the part time SUB TEACHING list. I didn't know that you did that back in California. Good for you Beth. Aren't there many deer in the wilds of Minnesota? We see them all the time, but you really have to watch early morning and in the evening.


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