Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Happy to Be Home

It is lovely to be back home in Minnesota. Future trips to Ohio will be split into a two-day trip each way and a bit longer of a stay. I am not as young and resilient as I used to be.

Today we managed to get our weekly shopping and laundry done. Then it was nap time!

As I sit here writing I am thinking I need a cup of coffee. Strong coffee. Yet, it is 8:25pm which is close to bedtime. I feel so tired that I don’t think the caffeine will be effective at keeping me awake.

The dogs (Rufio and Pan) were excited to see us last night when we got home. Pan elected to stay in our flat last night. I got up around three for a moment and when I went back to bed, Pan was laying in my spot. I tried to get him to move. He was not having it. Between Joe pulling him over and me pushing him toward Joe, we finally created enough space for me in the bed. There really is enough room for all three of us in the queen-sized bed if Pan will refrain from laying sideways.

The fires from Canada are impacting our air quality. Another bad air day meant lots of sneezing and irritated throat from the little bit I was outside. The temperature was in the low 90’s today with the humidity at 62%. Our flat is so cool I didn’t feel uncomfortable. It is supposed to get to 94 degrees tomorrow. Meanwhile, Woodland friends have been dealing with far warmer temperatures and would be grateful for a low 90’s day.

I checked out job ads today. I am thinking I may want a part-time work from home position this winter. Something like 10 to 20 hours a week at most. I saw ad after ad for remote payroll and human resources positions. Simply reading about the work expected made me feel tired. I think I will avoid the ads for a while! Or just any job that is human resource related.

I am grateful for my years at Hygieia. It gave me the opportunity to grow and stretch myself. The very act of continuous learning and stretching also set me up for exhaustion. I recognize it was not the job – it was my expectations that created my fatigue. Now I get tired because I try to cram too much traveling into too short of a time period.

As usual I am the one that needs to do the work to fix the problem. Especially since I am the one creating the problem. Snort.

Retirement life is good. I especially like the part where I can do what I want when I want. I also like hanging out with Joe Coehlo. Even if it is as simple as reading a book in the same room while he reads (aka naps). Given the circumstances, I cannot quite figure out why I think I need a part-time job this winter.

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