Friday, November 10, 2023

Formo Friday

As I sit down to write tonight, Charlotte is showing Joe how to play checkers her way. I overheard her tell him, “I want to show you, my way. It is not the right way.” Grandpa is onboard.

Tonight’s dinner was breakfast for dinner. Scrambled eggs, sausage patties, bacon, pancakes – both plain and chocolate chip, and strawberries. This meal is a family favorite. After dinner, Caleb came down to play with Legos while Charlotte took her shower. Now it is his turn to shower and Charlotte is showing grandpa how to play checkers her way.

Both kids disappeared this afternoon for several hours. Friday afternoon is the first opportunity they have to get some screen time – video games – during school weeks. That meant I took a nap before dinner. It also meant it was quiet upstairs while they conquered levels on whichever games they are playing this week. 

Caleb and Charlotte have departed for upstairs and family movie night. Jermey, Megan, Caleb, Charlotte, Pan, and Rufio all gather in the front living room and watch a kid friendly movie. Pan loves hanging out with us, but he goes upstairs for movie night!

There is a new business in Rockford called The Spot by NutriSource. Megan went to tour it today as she believes it would be beneficial for her Brownie troop to learn about the dog training the company offers. The company has dog boarding, grooming, and play areas. The proceeds from the business are used to support the work they do to train dogs for veterans and first responders. The company mission aligns with Megan’s beliefs about responsible animal care. The general manager gave Megan a tour and offered to do a presentation for her troop onsite.

Tomorrow Megan and Charlotte have a girl scout outing planned. Jeremy and Caleb are planning on a Stranger Things marathon while the  "girls" are out of the house. Joe and I may go for a drive to see neighborhoods we haven’t explored in the area. We have enjoyed getting to know the area. Currently, the housing supply is mostly new homes and frankly they just feel so sterile – both inside and out. I tell myself to be patient and that once we are ready the right house will come along. It is a waiting game and I need to work on my patience.

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