Monday, November 20, 2023

Joy and Thanksgiving

 I love the meme above. Since ‘joy’ is my 2024 word, I thought this meme was a great reminder of where I want to direct my energy in the new year. I want to do new things and not expect to be perfect; I want to do them and enjoy what I am doing. So far in 2023 I have enjoyed a journey without a paying job to go to everyday. As I recover from years and years of working, I want to be able to be free to try new things.

By the way, in high school I was in choir all four years. I even did ensemble. I can’t sing worth a darn, but I sure loved singing in choir. Somewhere along the way, I lost the sense of trying new things for the sake of trying without worrying if I would be any good at it.

During this week of Thanksgiving, it is a perfect time to think of what we are grateful for in our life. Today, I am grateful to have Joe Coehlo as my partner.

Joe went to work today at his new job. He spent the day in orientation, mostly safety videos as he had done the administrative paperwork on Friday afternoon. This is a good week to start back up as the plant will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

After sorting clothes at the thrift store, I drove to Buffalo to do last minute shopping for Thanksgiving and then came home and caught up on financial paperwork. After a couple of episodes of Medium (Season 6), I took an hour nap. Then I puttered around the flat. One of the benefits of a small living space is that cleaning is quick and relatively painless. With an iRobot to sweep the floors it’s easier to maintain clean living quarters.

Remember to think of one thing to be grateful for today. Feel free to leave a note in comments or on my Facebook page.

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