Friday, February 23, 2024

Our Troop Rocked World Thinking Day!

Last night I had the privilege of helping Megan and Charlotte’s Brownie troop at the Rockford area troop’s World Thinking Day. The girls ranged in age from Daisy’s (kindergarten & first grade) up to High School aged girl scouts. There are seven troops total in Rockford; however, it is the middle of cookie season so only six troops participated.

As part of celebrating, each troop made a poster about their country with fun facts they wanted to share. On Tuesday night, Charlotte’s troop worked on their poster and planned the presentation they wanted to do. I had worked alongside Megan, the other co-leader of the troop, and another mom. The other mom and I were the stand-in adults for World Thinking Day because Megan had a cookie booth with Charlotte and the other co-leader is out of town.

Last night we had fun! I was so proud of the four of our girls who were able to show up. They accomplished an excellent presentation. Representing Mexico, they counted to ten in Spanish and had a sign with the Spanish number and the English number on it that they held in front of them for the audience to read. We gave them the choice to recite the numbers together or for each of them to say the number they were holding. Because there are ten numbers and only four girls, they had to remember to flip their sign after four and start at the front of the group again with five. Two of the girls then had to make sure they had nine and ten which were on separate pages showing. All four of them never lost their place. Honestly, I thought it was a little complicated for eight-year-olds. Shows you what I know!

I swear those four eight-year-olds did a better job than any other group presenting. They were fierce. They stood up in front of the rest of the scouts and parents with backs straight and heads held tall, they used their stage voices, and they projected confidence. It was amazing to watch. You would have thought I had a hand in their achievement. Nope! It was totally ALL THEM. The other mom (helper) took a video of the presentation and sent it to Megan. Megan texted me “… they rocked it!”

While I cannot share the video for privacy and safety reasons, I did get photos of all the posters. Make your screen bigger and learn facts about other countries folks!

Our Troop (2nd Graders) - Mexico
Note the beautiful table cloth actually from Mexico. Jeremy told
a co-worker about the upcoming presentation and the co-worker loaned the troop
the cloth - it was the first time it had ever been used. Jeremy sent him this photo. We
were honored to be so authentic!

Middle School Poster - Sweden

High School Troop - England

High School Troop - Greece

Daisy's (the youngest of the girls) - Norway
They all dressed as Princesses!

This poster and the items in the photo below were presented by the third grade Brownies - Canada


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