Monday, April 22, 2024

Moving Day!

Joe and I arrived at Megan’s home this morning at 7:15am and the movers arrived at 8:00 am. Joe and I used the time to inventory the boxes we had left for the movers, marking them with the room they would go into at our home.

We were scheduled to have four movers for seven hours; however, they were short-staffed, so they sent two guys. Joe worked with them, which they appreciated. The two movers were professional, friendly, and hard working. They worked for two- and three-quarter hours and only had about five items to take upstairs when two more moving men arrived. Their timing was perfect as the twenty-six-foot Bobcat truck was full and so the second truck ended up holding all of Joe’s tools. We drove to the house while they stopped to pick up lunch to eat on their fifteen-minute drive to our new home.

I sat in the entryway and directed the four-person moving team (plus the fifth mover Joe Coehlo) for the next two hours. Everybody kept moving and before I knew it, they were finished. The entire move took five and a half hours. During this time, I heard them laughing and talking with Joe and with each other. They were extremely impressed with Joe’s prowess as a mover. When they found out he was almost seventy-four (in late May) they were flabbergasted. As I was tipping them the lead, Jamel, told me that they enjoyed moving us and it was a fun move for them. He said, “Many moves you just get in and can’t wait to finish, we don’t laugh and talk, all we do is keep our heads down to get it done.” He said it was a fast move for them and they really enjoyed how organized we were, which made their job go smoothly. This after climbing the stairs hundreds of times at both homes.

We invited the guys to come back in a couple of weeks to see the house unpacked. Jamel wrote “…yes we’d like to check out the new place when it’s finished…”  Suffice it to say that Minnesota nice was on full display with our moving crew.

I spent three hours this afternoon with Joe unpacking Master Bedroom boxes. We managed to get about half of them unpacked and our bed made. Our new bedroom set will be delivered tomorrow but at least the mattress is on a box spring/frame combination for tonight. No trying to get up from an air or futon mattress on the floor. Yay! At this point sleeping on a queen-sized bed that is up off the floor feels like a luxury.

Alto was in the laundry room for the two hours our movers were in and out of the house. When she was freed, she spent most of the next hour checking out the furniture. Joe put the futon frame together first. Alto is a happy kitty; she has not moved off it for the past hour and a half. She was curled up sleeping when I called her name to get her photo. The futon is in the sunroom which will also serve as my office/writing room. Looks like I will have company. Alto is quiet and does not need any supervision so I believe we can co-inhabit quite easily.

Tomorrow morning most of our new furniture for our bedrooms will be delivered. There are three pieces on backorder, including my new desk which will be in on the last day of April. I am also treating myself to a facial at Hidden Gem Spa. I need an hour of downtime.

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