Saturday, April 20, 2024

Unpacking Day 2

Day two, in our house we managed to get quite a bit of the kitchen boxes unpacked. Joe made three more trips to Rockford which is only 15 minutes by car while I unpacked, washed, and put items away.

We are discovering all kinds of nooks and crannies. Tons of storage throughout the house and so far, we are making effective use of it. We do not have a food pantry though! That was one benefit of our Woodland house. On the plus side this is our first home with a dishwasher, cabinet shelves I can easily reach, a refrigerator with ice and water dispenser, a sink in the laundry room, an alcove for appliances in the kitchen, and so much more.

This morning, we discovered that the internet company was unable to send a signal to the modem in our house as the coax connection was not connected. They sent an installer out this afternoon, and we are now hooked up. Because we tried to install and troubleshoot on our own, they did not charge us for the house call. The installer was nice and was happy to have Joe tag along with him as he troubleshot the problem and fixed it.

This morning, we mixed up a batch of focaccia and baked it this afternoon. Our first dinner in the house ended up being cold ham, brie, focaccia, sliced cucumbers, green onion, and zucchini.

Last night we slept in the master bedroom on the air mattress we used for car camping last year. It was okay. Not much room but at least the fall off was on to a warm carpeted floor. Joe picked up our futon mattress today so we can sleep on it tonight. Since we plan to have the futon in the sunroom, we are not attempting to take the mattress up to the master bedroom. We are sleeping in the sunroom tonight.

The next photo is looking out one set of sunroom windows. This morning, I watched two large dogs with the same coloring as Rufio and Pan playing in the yard with the tree house. This afternoon around 4:00 pm there were five children playing in the yards. Two of the children were on the trampoline and three were swinging and sliding. I could not hear a thing. This room is well insulated from outside noises.

Tonight’s plan is early bed. Tomorrow I will unload more boxes.


  1. I like " wide open spaces" but, are all those yards connected with NO fences? How would I keep my pups home?

    1. I see the dogs running in several of the yards so there may be a "good neighbor" agreement. Megan has a hidden fence at her home and we have a HALO collar for when the dogs will visit us. The dog is trained to stay in the yard by varying degrees of commands and levels of discomfort if they do not abide by the boundaries of the yard.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...