Saturday, June 22, 2024


This morning, we said our goodbyes as Jeff, Kathy, Renee, and Jami headed back on the road to continue  their family vacation around the west and Midwest states. They treated us to breakfast at The Hen & The Hog and were on the road by 11:00am. Tonight, they will stay in North Dakota.

Joe took a photo of Kathy, Renee, me, and
Jami and Jeff (in the back). Joe did not realize he had his
phone on video so I tried saving as photo - the colors are not as rich.

Joe and I hunted down a carwash on our way back home from the restaurant. The car was muddy from our visit to the lake boat ramps during our tour yesterday afternoon. After the carwash, I did chores and took a nap. Joe read (aka nap).

A note about the carwash – it is a self-serve drive through; however, your car does not move along tracks. Instead, the carwash device moves back and forth over the car. I was in the driver’s seat. Even though we knew it was the device moving it felt like the car was moving. Very strange. At the same time, it was more comforting than going through the carwash on a track system as only one car is let into the building at a time. No need to worry about the person ahead of me slamming on their brakes and creating a chain reaction of cars climbing each other’s bumpers. This happened to us last year and it was unpleasant.

We ate an early dinner around 3:30pm, cleaned up the kitchen, folded clean clothes, and Joe hung the framed Brazilian headdresses in the living room and a shelf in the bathroom. At that point we decided we were committed to resting the rest of the afternoon. It was raining and the sunroom is a perfect place to read with the sound of rain in the background.

The framed Brazilian headdresses on our living room wall.

It was delightful having guests during the past three days. We enjoyed their company, the conversations, and their treats!

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