Saturday, July 20, 2024

Life is Better With A ________ (Fill in the Blank)


This is the  truth at our house. After thirty-one years with Joe (Joseph) Coehlo, I am grateful he chose me to partner with in our “older” years.

He has decided to grow out his hair and wear a ponytail. Tonight, he asked me to trim the fuzzies from his neck and his sideburns. Then he handed me his electric razor that fortunately has a trimmer built in. Trusting man. We got him cleaned up a bit though. I like the longer hair look on him.

Today, Joe went down to Rockford and worked with Jeremy on cleaning up the Formo air conditioning unit. Joe did ours the other day when the HVAC guy came over for an inspection (we get two free inspections a year as part of a club membership we were enrolled in when the new electrical was ran for Joe’s dream home machine shop). Joe asked how much the company would charge to do the cleaning and he told Joe around $600.00. There is no way we would pay that for maybe two hours of work. The HVAC guy was impressed that Joe could take it apart to clean it and put it back together. Foolish dude.

Then Joe came home and cleaned the interior of our car, got 15 buckets of free compost to work into the yard where we will install sod when we get back from Ohio in early August, and helped me clean up from dinner.

What did I do while he was busy with all of these chores? Whatever I wanted to do. Which included a bit of Amazon shopping, making meatloaf, reading, making a salad for dinner, reading, prepping a baking potato for dinner, reading, checking to see if indoor plants needed watering, sending funny videos to Ginger and Kim and one to Megan. There were other household chores, but I do so much of the cleaning automatically as I go that none of it really sticks in my brain.

We are off to attend a bonfire this evening. A friend has sold her horse ranch and bought a place about an hour north of us. She moves next weekend. She will be missed.

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