Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Extreme Forest Bathing

Stock image representative of our pile to take to compost.

I worked outside with Joe today. My job was to cut the branches and leaves into smaller flat pieces. We have about 80% of the small work completed. Tomorrow Joe will work on the rest of the cutting while I spend the morning with Caleb and Charlotte.

The physical labor was good for me. Now I am tired! While eating dinner it was all I could do to life my arm to feed myself. Ibuprofen is my friend!

The utility representatives came by this afternoon and are putting in a work order to do more trimming. Joe pointed out two trees near the transformer pole that have branches hanging on the wires. The rep told him, “Those are the internet people’s lines they are on.” Joe didn’t say anything, but he thought the same thing I did. If the transformer belongs to you and you cut other trees further away from the transformer, why wouldn’t you cut the trees nearest your transformer?

One of the representatives looked at Joe and asked, “Why would someone run poles through people’s backyards?” Joe figured it was a rhetorical question. So just shook his head. They were also a bit frustrated that they cannot just drive a cherry picker along the property line and will have to get up in the trees.

I truly hope they will take away all of the trimmings and not leave them for each property owner to dispose of at the city compost yard.

Time to get some sleep!

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