Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pro-Choice Family?


“It takes a village to raise a child.” Is believed to have originated in Africa. African societies with similar proverbs, according to Wikipedia, include:

 “A child does not grow up only in a single home.”  (Bunyoro-Kitara)

“A child belongs not to one parent or home.”  (Bahaya)

“ A child’s upbringing belongs to the community.” (Wajita)

“Whomsoever is not taught by the mother will be taught with the world.” (Swahili)

I thought of this today when I saw an advertisement for a Pro-Family organization. I have always been about family and community. Through research I learned that the Pro-Family label is used by people proclaiming a narrow definition of family. Their belief is that a family is a  “natural family” which is defined as a heterosexual married couple and their biological children.

What nonsense.

If someone asked you what you thought Pro-Family meant, how would you describe the concept?

In my world Pro-Family would mean that we as people work together to protect the core family and all children. Core family could include anyone with primary care responsibilities for biological-, adopted- or foster- children, a married couple (sexual orientation should not even be included in the definition of a family. It is a private topic and nobody else’s business. Though people sure act like it is their business to know) with or without children in the home. Aunts, uncles, cousins, close friends can all be family.

I am Pro-Choice Family.


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