Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Goodbye leaves! About 90% of the leaves are off of the trees in the neighborhood. Our Maple out front still has leaves but almost all of the backyard trees have half a dozen leaves. We are expecting rain tomorrow. Joe decided it was time to get the leaves over to the compost center so they would not be caked onto the lawn over the winter. The leaf pile in the above photo represents four black garbage bags worth of leaves. We had twenty-three bags total. 

A photo of the side yard on the northern side of the house. The brick stacks
are free brick Joe picked up at the compost center awhile back. The
bricks will be used to finish the backyard next spring. 
The shrubs turning from green to red. 
And the ground cover is blooming again! The purple flowers are pretty.

A closer view of the shrub and ground cover.

My job in the leaf disposal project was to hold the bags open while Joe filled them. We are hoping the next rain will help the rest of the leaves to drop. Then it will be time to clean the gutters, again. Joe wants to get gutter covers next year so we can eliminate the gutter cleaning work.

It was lovely being outside in the fall weather. I stayed warm in my flannel jacket (thank you, Costco). It was 54 degrees outside and overcast. I double checked the weather forecast for tomorrow and was surprised to see they are predicting rain, snow, and wind! Of course, it's Halloween!! Last year it snowed on Halloween. 

Hot chocolate weather! I am looking forward to watching the snow fall while I am cozily ensconsed in our sunroom. I may even need to use the fireplace. 

In other news, I am going to stop writing this blog daily. I will write an ocassional blog when something strikes my fancy. Thank you to the folks who faithfully read!


  1. Rob spent his day raking leaves too. He piles them at the base of their parent trees and lets winter turn them into tree food. Yes, some blow back into the driveway. We just call that Autumn's glitter.

  2. Jorie - We did that with the apple trees and the trees on the hill - leaves make good mulch! Our large tree in the front yard has stone around it to keep saplings from sprouting. With the open yards around here, we get leaves from the neighbors' trees. I wonder if we should try to return them? LOL.


Words Matter

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