Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday in Minnesota

Retirement life means I can get up on a Monday morning and bake brownies (I wanted to try out a new brownie pan), bake a skillet chocolate chip cookie, and make up a batch of potato salad. We are having leftovers for dinner because yesterday I made meatloaf and twice-baked potatoes. 

The brownies came out perfect! The cookie is good as well. I never, ever get complaints from Joe on potato salad. I am surprised to discover that cooking is more fun when (1) I don't have to go to work at a job, and (2) I have the tools to do it right and not always trying to figure out a work around.

This morning, I closed the fundraiser we did Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary. I am incredibly happy that my first fundraiser was a success. Great feedback from four of the participants about the fun they had checking out recipes, reading about the work HBGRR does, and learning about Pampered Chef products. I came away feeling like I had new friends! If you know of a non-profit organization that would benefit from a fundraiser, please let me know! I want to bless as many non-profits as possible. I am not 'selling' Pampered Chef for income.

I am sharing a % of my commission with the non-profit and I use part of the commission to cover the expense of prizes for the fundraiser/party. If someone wants to host a regular party where a host can earn discounted and free products, I will. Pampered Chef also has a bridal registry, and we can link this to a "Wedding Shower" party. I guess I could even have an in-home party if it were local. I like the virtual parties though as I don't have to (1) haul everything to someone's home; (2) cook in front of other people; and (3) the host doesn't have to spend money on ingredients or clean her house.

Nine days until election day! I am scheduled for three more stints as a poll worker. So far, I have enjoyed learning the process! 

I hope more people will serve as a poll worker in future elections. It really helps to see the work that is done in Minnesota to protect anonymity and to make sure there is a fair election. I have confidence in the process. 


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