Saturday, January 28, 2023

Annoyed (Past Tense)

 When I sat down to write today’s blog, I was surprised to discover I spent most of my day feeling annoyed.

Annoyance isn’t something I feel often – at least not for an entire day.

I was annoyed that it was cold outside when it looked warm.

I was annoyed that I could hear running water at 2:00am – there was no running water to be found. I was annoyed that it was suggested the sound was from a computer because we turn computers off before  bed.

I was annoyed with the people driving their cars on my way to feed Kim’s cats while she was out of town. I was annoyed with Squeak for running behind the couch when I came in. At least Stash will sit and stare at me. Squeak and Stash are the cats, I probably should have mentioned that.

I was annoyed that we discovered we will need a new subfloor in the guest bathroom that we could have mitigated had I known why the linoleum was turning colors next to the toilet. The color change was from mold. Glad we caught it now. But really, shouldn’t I have known??? I was pretty much annoyed with myself because I didn’t figure it out earlier. I was also annoyed with Joe because he didn’t know. He is usually on top of this fix-it stuff.

I was annoyed that the flour I needed for dinner was on the second shelf of the cupboard that I couldn’t reach. I often use a spatula to move items to the front of the shelf and have the container drop into my arms. However, the flour is stored in a one gallon glass jar and it was behind other jars. I decided to do other prep work and not bother Joe since he was working in the garage. When he came in, he hauled the flour down and washed dishes from my prep work.

I was annoyed that he was doing the dishes because he worked hard all day while I did mostly inventory pricing and trip preparation. Those were my dishes to do!

I was annoyed because after he offered to grate parmesan cheese for the potato dish, I was cooking he was grating it when I wanted it shredded. I was annoyed because he couldn’t read my mind. He shredded the rest of the cheese and it all worked out.

I was annoyed that I was annoyed.

I am working at changing my perspective. When I ask myself if this will matter next week or even next month? The answer is no. 

So now I truly hope I’m finished being annoyed for the day as it feels very unpleasant. Tomorrow will be a better day!


  1. "Tomorrow is another day", Scarlet....❤ eTheL

  2. I think we all have those days.

  3. When I have one of those rare “annoyed” days, my sweet hubby just says “I Love You” and gives me a wide berth until I’m over it. It usually doesn’t last all day. But it’s SO ANNYOING!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...