Monday, January 9, 2023

Do the Things You Love More Often

 In late December, I ran into a friend, Alice Austin, I had not seen in probably 10 years. We vowed to get together once I retired to catch up. We met this morning for breakfast at Huckleberry’s in Natomas.

Alice and I met in 1993 when we both used the same daycare provider the year my Megan turned a year old, and her daughters Jennifer and Jamie were nine and eight years old. The summer Megan turned six, the girls babysat for her during the workday. We also attended the same church for several years.

Over breakfast we talked for two and a half hours about husbands, our now grown children, traveling, house buying, divorces and life lessons. I enjoyed hearing and sharing stories  about our grown daughters. I showed Alice a photo of my daughter’s family in their matching PJs during the holidays. She showed me Jennifer’s family photo from the holidays – yep, matching pajamas. Photos of Jami and her boyfriend laughing. Such a joy to hear how they are making their way in the world.

In addition to visiting with Alice, I managed to fold laundry, cook dinner, help Joe with a UPS shipment, meditate, finish an hour of hypnotherapy, play handservant to the cat, balance bank accounts, and hang out at the machine shop with Joe for two hours so he could finish a personal project.

I have no clue as to  why people told me I needed a plan for retirement. It appears there are all kinds of opportunities to do chores and be present each and every day in this life without a set plan. No need to fret though as I have plans to connect with friends tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.

When Joe, Megan, and I lived in Egypt in 2002-2003 I learned how to live at a slower pace. I spent my days there interacting with the women I met from all over the world. I vowed then that I would try to be available for friends when we returned to the states. I did for a bit and then fell into my old ways of focusing on my career and immediate family.

It feels really, really, really good to have time with friends.

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Something to Think About

Taking a day off after ChatGPT refused to acknowledge the existence of DOGE today. It asked me to provide proof DOGE existed. I suggested AI...