Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Guilty Pleasure - Afternoon Matinee

Joe and I went to the movies at 3:15pm on a Tuesday. Wow! We had not seen a movie together at a movie theater in over 4 years – possibly longer. We both enjoyed watching “A Man Called Otto.” Shortly after the film began, Joe turned to me and whispered, “Did you want me to see this movie because Otto reminds you of me.” Sort of. Kind of. Maybe. I’ll admit while watching the movie trailers the character reminded me of Joe.

I think of Joe as the sweetest man I’ve ever known. He calls himself a “Grumpy Old Fart.” At one point he even had a sign in the machine shop at work with the letters GOFF. When asked he told me it was the acronym for Grumpy Old Fart. I told him that was GOF, and he told me it looked better with two Fs.

Anyway, there definitely are similarities between Joe and Otto. The first is their interest in anything mechanical. There were scenes throughout the movie when Joe would turn to me and give me a ‘Joe smile’. I can’t call it a grin. The smile meant, “This seems familiar.”  Another similarity is Joe’s willingness to help others when they are clear in their need. And, of course, Joe loves to teach people how to take care of or fix items. There is a scene in the film where Otto shows a young man how to repair the chain on a bicycle. Over the 29 years I’ve been married to Joe, I have watched this same scene play out over and over as he instructed our children, neighbor children, and other people to fix their bikes.

As much as I was watching the movie, I was watching Joe’s response to the film. A major breakthrough was that he did not fall asleep during the film! Now this could be he was entertained, or it may be a sign that he is finally not sleep deprived after a few weeks of retirement.

A Man Called Otto is a beautiful movie. I laughed aloud, I cried. It was a perfect reminder that all of us can and do make a difference in the lives of the people around us – people we care about and perfect strangers.

Tomorrow, I plan to write about a wonderful first novel written by Noel Meyer.

1 comment:

  1. Beth - I love that you watched Joe as much as you watched the film! Lovely description of both. I'm putting this on my list. Thanks for sharing!


Words Matter

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