Wednesday, January 25, 2023



My earliest days of reading lessons included learning to read the title page, the publication page, and so on before actually beginning to read the first chapter. So, I didn’t do this yesterday while reading the delightful and thought-provoking Fenton written by Noel Meyer.

I read the publishing page this morning and got one of several laugh out loud moments this gem of a book provided me. It starts with the traditional, “This is a work of fiction…” and then continues , “excluding this section, as that would cause quite a distressing paradox.” There is more – I won’t spoil it for future readers.

I purchased Noel’s first book after meeting him virtually during a work-related function. I hope we get the opportunity to meet him in person this coming year on our travels. Fenton has been sitting on the top of my “to read” stack of books since mid-October. Yesterday morning, I woke up determined to start on the pile. And what a treat to start with Noel Meyer!

The back cover reads: While awaiting trial for an unknown crime, vagabond city-dweller Fenton Le Marke forges an unlikely bond with a devout priest, Father Elijah.

In 110 pages, Noel’s words transported me to a place and time unknown. Yet it was a world I quickly visualized. I could hear sounds and see  places through Fenton Le Marke’s eyes. He makes choices that go against his nature and deals with the demons of life-long habits. And the question you may ask yourself at the end is, “was Fenton redeemed?”

Meanwhile Father Elijah stays true to his calling as a priest. His faith and belief cause him to act in ways that are at first foolish and ultimately sacrificial. Parts of Noel Meyer’s book remind me of one of my all-time favorite books, “Magnificent Obsession” by Lloyd C. Douglas. Does any one person’s life have more value than another’s? Who decides?

For me the book also evoked a sense of Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist” and a little bit of Stephen King (pick any book).

This post, by the way, is not a paid promotion! It is simply a tribute to one young man’s first publication  as a writer. You go, Noel!

If you are interested in your own copy of Fenton you can purchase it on Amazon.

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