Monday, January 2, 2023


I woke up this morning thinking about work. 

It's Monday morning and for most of the past 52 years I went to work on Monday mornings. 

I told my brain, "You don't have to think about work, I will find a way to break this habit." I got up and researched how the brain controls our habits and how to break the habit. I was relieved to discover I already have good habits to help get rid of habits no longer serving me. 

Which then led me to think about why I judge habits as good or bad. That perhaps habits are like feelings - not to be judged - just to be experienced. Next thing I know I am Googling the brain and habits. Then I decided I wouldn't go down that rabbit hole, today. Cause, yes, I have a habit of researching the heck out of whatever interests me. Then I realized that if I want to research all day long there is nothing, absolutely nothing, stopping me from spending hours on topics of interest.

At which point I glanced down at the scrap of paper Joe gave me yesterday. Joe loves YouTube. He would rather watch a YouTube video than Netflix, HBO, or Disney. His preferences are machine shop and welding videos followed by history and science videos. Written on the scrap of paper is "Institute of Human Anatomy." 

Joe never leads me astray when it comes to learning. I appreciate how he sees an article or video and thinks I will enjoy the information. In scanning the videos at the Institute of Human Anatomy it looks like I can easily find out more about the human brain. Perhaps there will be something in there to satisfy my curiosity about why my brain woke up thinking about work and more on habits.

Today we plan to go to JR3 so Joe can work on a personal project. Friday is supposed to be his last day at JR3, though they have asked if he would come in if there was an emergency up until we leave to begin our trip. Considering he semi-retired two and a half years ago and has worked either part or full time since his semi-retirement, I guess it's not a stretch for them to assume he will still be on hand when they need him. 

Yesterday I was confused about the day of the week. I thought it was Saturday. Joe reminded me it was Sunday - multiple times. Today I know it's Monday because I woke up thinking about work...


  1. I remember when I stopped working at a law office I had worked at for 30 years. It is very difficult to just turn it off one day and not think about it. Diane

  2. Diane - I would be curious to know when you stopped thinking about that job and if you intentionally tried to keep yourself from thinking about it.



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