Tuesday, January 3, 2023

What Did You Do Today?

After sharing the obstacles of his day at work (4 days left before he retires), my husband asked, "What did you do today?" I told him I stayed busy packing three boxes. In hindsight (and as I was saying it), I have no idea of where the hours went. I know I was busy from 8:30 am (after breakfast) until 3:00 pm when I stopped to do an hour-long meditation session. 

Prior to the meditation, the hours flew by as I sorted through the pantry cabinet, sorted and boxed Christmas ornaments, dealt with an insurance company (an hour on hold) and tried to find a copy of my husband's recent paycheck on the Paychex website (while on hold at the insurance company). Amongst all the other little chores, I did get the three boxes packed for our move. 

I also made a list of future research topics and made a new list of things to do. 

It dawned on me that I had no recollection or concept of time passing today. I was alone in the house except for the cat, Alto. (Alto only asks for the occasional pets). Without a team of people working alongside me I did not register lunchtime. I do remember stopping at one point and microwaving a leftover baked potato with shredded pork loin. It was 12:30pm. Ah, at least I figured lunch time out - eat when hungry.

After washing lunch dishes, I stopped and danced for 5 minutes. I was getting down with Jim Croce's Bad Bad Leroy Brown. A friend asked me recently, "What is one of the first things you want to do when you retire." I told her (and I had no idea this was even in my head) - I planned to dance a little bit every day." As soon as I told her that, I knew it was true. I wanted to move my body through dance. I also sang along with Jim and that felt mighty fine.

I had a fun day!


  1. It sounds like you had an enjoyable day..I don't envy you doing all the packing and getting rid of "stuff" and then moving!! Are you concerned about the Minnesota weather in the winter? Joan D

    1. According to several people - I should have concerns about the weather. One person has been trying to persuade me that it is too cold. I know there will be an adjustment period. I never minded the snow and cold when growing up in Ohio. I do plan on living in a place with central heat though so I don't have to get up several times a night to stoke a furnace (Kenny and I used to take turns doing this at the house in Ney).

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