Thursday, February 16, 2023

Girl Scout Cookies

It’s Girl Scout cookie sales time again! This is a special time of year for me as Megan loved selling cookies as a  Brownie (Girl Scouts) and we made fun memories.

I sold cookies when I was a girl scout. I remember selling two hundred boxes and I was thrilled! It was from door-to-door sales and nearby relatives. Fast forward some 30 years later and my own daughter was selling cookies. Her first year, I asked her how many boxes she wanted to sell and she told me 800. It was all I could do not to gasp. She was 7 years old and she was going to try to sell 800 boxes? Instead, I kept my mouth shut. Who is going to rain on a 7-year-old’s parade?

She would roller blade from house to house, introduce herself (I stayed on the sidewalk to give her space), and ask if they would like to buy cookies. She rarely got a no because she was so darn cute. She did not participate in site sales as is more common today. She made her goal of eight hundred boxes. Lesson for mom: If you don’t tell a child their goal is too big – they don’t know it’s too big.

This meant a lot of work for our family. Once the cookies came in, we had to retrace our footsteps, deliver all 800 boxes and collect the money. Megan would run up to the door, collect the money, give the customer their cookies, and run the money back to me. I’d check to make sure the check or cash was correct (it always was). Sometimes a customer would give her extra cash or a separate check as a donation to her troop.

The second year of sales her goal was one thousand boxes. It rained every day that year during the two weeks she was selling cookies. She fell short of her goal, selling 950 or so boxes. Still pretty amazing for an eight-year-old. I was the troop cookie mom that year. I messed up a couple of orders but was able to make it right. It was shortly after that I discovered I needed to wear glasses to read.

I honestly can’t remember if there was a third year. I may have blocked it from my memory.

Now, we watch granddaughter, Charlotte, aged 7, selling her cookies. Last year she had a big goal of 800 boxes, and she sold 845 boxes. Mom, Megan was the troop cookie mom. Megan had so much fun tracking down cookies during last years’ cookie shortage that she signed up as troop cookie mom again!

When I placed my on-line cookie order tonight, they were already out of the new cookie for this year – Raspberry Rally. Described as, “Thin, crispy cookies infused with raspberry flavor, dipped in chocolaty coating.”  The website reads they will be available on March 4th in a limited quantity. Bet Megan will be hunting down cookies for Charlotte’s troop again this year.

I know there have been a lot of changes in sixty years of scouting, I like that we have three generations of cookie sales for an organization that empowers girls.

If you are looking for a cookie fix and are not supporting a local child (we always encourage you to support local youngsters), feel free to order from Charlotte at this link:

She has a big goal of 1000 boxes this year!

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Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...