Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Dental Day


Dental visits are so much fun, said nobody I know ever. I do appreciate how nice my teeth feel for the first  hour or so after a cleaning. Today was the last visit to my Woodland dentist. At least I hope all stays healthy in my mouth before we leave at the end of March.

This is our first year without dental insurance since 1994. When I was pricing dental insurance for the two of us, based on what our needs have been in all of that time, I was shocked to discover I’d pay a little over $1400/year for the two of us for $1000/each of coverage. I called our dentist and talked with them about paying cash for services. Out of pocket for two cleanings each per year and x-rays would cost us around $868.00. While preventive is 100% covered it applies toward the $1000 max. It didn’t really make sense to purchase dental insurance based on our dental histories. The ‘savings’ is an incentive for me to floss more!

My dentist talks while she cleans my teeth. She asks questions. I have a small mouth (but it IS mighty!) and she sticks these rubber things in my mouth to keep my mouth open. Then she asks questions. Questions like, “Isn’t Minneapolis among the coldest parts of the country?” She has her hands in my mouth with some kind of whirring tool so I’m not going to risk moving my head yes or no. Though after eight years of this behavior, I don’t know why I’m still put out. It’s not like she is the first dentist or hygienist to talk to me while cleaning my teeth.

One past hygienist would tell me her parenting woes, In great detail. She had a captive audience. One hygienist would ask me questions about skin care and end our sessions with, “Well I hope you’ll floss as often as you cleanse your face.” After three visits to her I asked for a different hygienist when I made the next appointment. Who needs snarky?

My favorite hygienist though was Judy. Having grown up without regular dental care, I was twenty-two when I had my first cleaning. It took two visits to get my teeth clean. Judy was gentle, considerate, and she didn’t talk while she was cleaning my teeth. Perhaps she was an introvert?

I am thinking I may lay some ground work with my next dentist/hygienist and ask them upfront not to ask me questions during the cleaning.

It’s almost as if I think every question needs to be answered.

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