Sunday, February 26, 2023

Packing Progress

 It feels good to have this much done with 4 weeks to go before the movers arrive. Our kitchen is almost completely packed except for the few things we use regularly and the Tupperware project. Over the years we have collected numerous pieces of disposable food containers that we keep reusing over and over, My job will be to make sure there is a lid for each piece – if not – it goes in the garbage.

I have discovered there are at least two types of packers. One is the person who packs everything and sorts through it later. Joe and I are the other type of packer. We sort and toss or give items away as we go – which is why I started packing last August. It is difficult to believe with all of the tossing and gifting we still have so many boxes to send to Minnesota! As of right now we have 94 different containers with 25 of those containers being related to tools (tool chests, tool boxes, and specially built crates for some tools). I am projecting 14 more boxes and we should be done.

In 2002 we moved to Cairo, Egypt for a year. We packed up our house in two weeks. We put everything in storage that we could not re-home to other people. It was a fairly small storage place, and we were really proud of ourselves for being so mindful in packing. When we came home a year later we were shocked at what we had kept – especially the two large black lawn bags full of Megan’s stuffed toys. I can assure you in 2022 we have no bags of stuffed toys, though I did pack two build-a-bear animals Megan had made me over the years that include recordings of Megan saying, “I love you, Mom.” Those are collector pieces!

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