Friday, March 10, 2023

A Journal Entry


We spent another day packing up for our cross-county trip and for our move to Minnesota. We are up to box number 114. Today I worked mostly in the bathroom sorting for what we can take and what needs to stay behind. Yes, we are taking the twelve packages of dental floss.

And the six rolls of medical tape, and the four boxes of various Band-Aid sizes. It amazes me what we have collected over the past twenty years since we came back from our year in Egypt. We use dental floss every day, band-aids infrequently, and medical tape even more infrequently. It is all kept in the same place so it’s not like we had misplaced it or didn’t see the items. Now that I think about it some of the items may have been from when Joe’s dad passed away (May 2016). Hal always liked having a ‘supply’ of each item.

Not that I am much better. I have a dozen different lotions and other cosmetic items I no longer use and can’t transport anyway. I have set up a shelf for friends to go through and take what may be useful for them. Lord, knows why I kept almost empty bottles of stuff. Those went in the trash or are set aside to use up in the next nineteen days.

We are good to begin our cross-country trip on March 29th. Yesterday, I firmed up reservations at a campground at the Grand Canyon. That’s pretty exciting. I also discovered that three of the most accessible Pueblo monuments are on the drive from the Grand Canyon to our friends’ home in Gilbert, Arizona. I am excited as I have wanted to visit Pueblos since I read about them in grade school.

Today’s people connections were with my friend Jen in New Jersey via video chat. Jen is such a joy to talk with – every time I talk with her she will share with me something she has read that I want to read also. Then I met up with E for a late lunch, early dinner. E is the person who took on the job I retired from. It made me happy to hear that he enjoys the job and the people.

Tomorrow will be another day of packing. The movers will be here in 17 days!

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