Thursday, March 2, 2023

Crescent City Day 2

 Night one of car camping was a success. It took me awhile to fall asleep because Joe had the windows cracked enough I thought critters could climb in while I slept. I dozed off around 8:30 pm and was wide awake at 9:00pm with visions of animals trying to get in. When Joe woke up at 11:30pm I shared my worries and he assured me no creepy crawlers could climb up the sides of the car. We then slept until 7am.

Our air mattress was comfortable and we definitely were warm enough even though the temperature was freezing. The canopy of trees also helped to keep the temperature a bit warmer as we were protected from the wind.

We were up and ready to meet our friends at a local restaurant at 9:00am. We enjoyed a leisurely visit over breakfast with the T family. J had a garden club meeting and a test for a class she is taking so we parted ways and B (J’s husband and their two children (ages 13 and 11) hung out with us.

First we visited the sea lions at Crescent City Harbor Marina. There were maybe 100  sea lions with about 10 laying on the sidewalk within 15 feet of us up close and a bit too personal. They move fast and you don’t want to walk toward them as they can attack. 

A few shots at the harbor. I especially liked the attitude of the sea lion in the middle shot. He actually appeared to be posing for us.

We then ventured over to Battery Point. While everyone else explored the beach, tide pools, and the lighthouse, I did some walking in the parking lot, took photos, made a video on SnapChat for my daughter, meditated, and watched people. 

Photos above were taken in the parking lot at Battery Point. Top photo I was trying to capture the waves breaking against the rock. The second photo is the working light house. 

Two hours later (about 1:15pm) we headed to lunch at the Chart Room. J joined us about 3:00pm and we sat and visited until 4:45pm. Then it was time for us to head back to Florence Keller Park for the night.

We had a great visit with our friends. Now it’s after 6:00 pm and time to crawl into the back of the Subaru and read. Tonight Joe is only cracking his window, my side is up, so any critters will have to climb over him to get to me. He better not sleep through it if they get in the car…

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