Thursday, March 16, 2023

Skilled Labor Appreciation

 This morning I dusted and swept out our closet spaces in the house. I had to get on a step stool to clean the shelves in the closets. I suppose oncer every 30 years is a good idea. Being 5’2” tall has its advantages – if you can’t see it - it must not be dusty.

During this it dawned on me that the walls need painted. I am resisting all mental efforts to do any painting. I know it’s a rabbit hole I am not going to go down. I love this house and structurally it’s in good shape for a house built 63 years ago.

The electrician, Manny, was able to make it over today to look at the three outside electrical outlets that did not work. Okay, they haven’t worked since 2003. We were okay though because we only used it for our water fountain and I could run a cord into the dining room. At a cost of $45.00, Manny installed a new GFI. Two wonderful things to know about Manny: (1) He was willing to show Joe how to diagnose and fix future electrical GFI issues. (2) He is right up there with Joe Coehlo as the sweetest man I know. As he was leaving, Manny offered to come over “as a friend” to help us move anything that needs moving. That brought me to tears.

Joe met Manny when he did repairs at Megan’s house a little over 2 years ago when she was getting her Woodland home ready for sale. He lets Joe tag along during repairs and shows him tricks. Some skilled labor folk do not want the home owner underfoot. There are even jokes about charging more for ’helping’. Joe though is a kindred spirit with Manny, and the plumber, and the pest control guy, and okay – EVERY one of the people who come to do something Joe can’t fix. I believe they know he respects the hell out of their skills and I suspect he asks nicely if he can walk around and watch if he thinks there is something he can learn. Note – he did not go under the house with the pest guy who had to scrape and repair some potential mold issue under the house. I think he offered, though.

Today was also the day that I spent 2 hours picking lint off three new sweater shirts Joe purchased yesterday. Seems I left something in my laundry that caused said lint. That won’t happen again! I am talking LOTS of lint. Trust me at one point I considered going to the store and replacing the shirts, after all they were on sale. I listened to Bonnie Raitt and Ed Sheeran music while cleaning lint. Let’s just say their music makes everything more palatable.


  1. Dollar Store has lint removal rollers. We have several since we wear a lot of black.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Nancy. Our regular lint rollers could not grab the lint very well.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...