Friday, March 17, 2023


I am not sure about the 'wise.' Defintie on the "and she lived happily ever after."

Last night My cousin Eleanor, Kim, and I had dinner at Ruth Chris in Sacramento. It is one of those guilty pleasures we engage in once every other year usually at Christmas time as a treat. This past December we had reservations and Eleanor ended up indisposed. Kim and I went anyway. After all, maybe it would be my last trip to a Ruth Chris for a while.

Wow! I ate at Ruth Chris twice in 4 months! Yum. Eleanor, bless her heart, ended up treating us for our going away dinner and Kim picked up the tip. I simply basked in the glow of the best ribeye steak ever and cheesy potatoes (I ate leftover potatoes for breakfast this morning), sauteed mushrooms, a shrimp cocktail, Brussel sprouts, stuffed mushrooms, and crème Brûlée.

Wait, this is not a food column. It was decadent. Good food and good company. Eleanor and I have been getting together for dinner once a month for many years now. Kim started joining us a few years ago. Thank you, Eleanor for the treat!

This morning I spent time doing errands including stopping by Eleanor’s house for a visit. I also connected with a friend in College Station, Texas – Jen Antoniou. Planning with her to visit while on our grand adventure around the U.S. Then it was home to organize and clean stuff. An afternoon nap was then in order.

Have I mentioned how much I love retirement? I do, every single moment of it. Even the cleaning ‘stuff’ parts.


  1. Sounds lovely 😊

  2. In your tour around the US are you going to be in the North Carolina if so let me know, and I'll treat you to a wonderful visit to my new home town New Bern NC.

    1. Yes, we plan on being in North Carolina. Since this comment shows up anonymous I am not sure who wrote this comment. Please reach out to me on Messenger or call me at 530-867-5696.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...