Saturday, April 15, 2023

Bonus Photos Travel Day 17

Last night I had technical difficulties with downloading photos. Then I created a new post early this morning and accidently deleted it a bit later. .

Teresa took this photo of blueberries growing wild on the property. Johnny stopped and picked a handful of ripe berries for Joe and me to try. They were delicious!

The purple wildflowers (above) and clover below were popular with the bumble bees. If you look closely at the clover you may find a bee or two. Teresa took both photos.

While Johnny was hauling dirt, Teresa and I sat on the porch (or veranda as I like to call it. Teresa says it's a porch. She's not in need of a veranda), Joe took a nap. Teresa caught a photo of this lizard sitting within a few feet of me.
This bird's nest was in the mud buggy we rode around in. It was in the very front in a small cubby next to the steering wheel. As we were driving around, I began to wonder if the mama bird would come back to the porch where the buggy is stored and be distressed when she found her babies gone. I sure hope mama was reunited with her babies when we left.
One last shot taken on the lake property. One of several deer feeders located throughout the property.

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