Saturday, April 15, 2023

Cousin Time! (Day 18 Road Trip)

This morning was an opportunity to take care of some chores. Laundry, grocery shopping and filling the gas tank before meeting up with my cousin Kathy Stephens, Joe (her husband) their youngest daughter Danielle aged 11 and their twelve-year-old granddaughter, Samantha, for a late lunch.

We were planning to meet at noon; however, I managed to need another 45 minutes at the laundromat because I had washed napkins accidently and everything was covered in shredded paper. I had to re-wash it. I could have cried. Then I went to use the bathroom at the laundromat (which was clean!) and the toilet overflowed. Then, our towel load was out of balance and so the attendant told me I’d need to pay to start the spin cycle again. I must have looked pathetic because he took one look at my face and reached over and did something magical so the machine would continue its cycle.

During this time, I reminded myself that as I age it is good for my brain to learn new skills. Who knew the first thing I would miss about home would be my own washer and dryer?

All my morning troubles quickly dissolved when we finally made it to Cracker Barrell and I saw my cousin, Kathy. She was a delightful sight for these frustrated eyes!

Kathy is my Uncle Junior and Aunt Alice’s oldest child. Check out yesterday’s blog for info on my aunt and uncle. While growing up I thought Kathy was the most beautiful woman in the world. She always looked so put together and her hair was perfect. AND she was sweet. I wanted to be her!

Kathy and Joe moved around Texas quite a bit during his law enforcement career. After retiring from law enforcement, he taught high school and coached for a while. Kathy did secretarial work. During this time, they also became foster parents. Over the years they adopted a few of the children who came to them when possible. I really appreciated Kathy’s comment, “I enjoyed foster care. Especially the babies. It allowed me to sit and hold a baby all day if I wanted.”

Kathy and Joe, both, are people who care about other people. They show it through their deeds. I enjoyed being in their space and catching up on each other’s lives. We sat and talked for over two hours. The time flew by!

I didn’t even think to get a photo as I was so caught up in our conversation!

From the restaurant Joe and I went by to see Teresa and Johnny. Teresa was baking a sweet potato pie for a potluck tomorrow. I sure am looking forward to the macaroni and cheese Jennifer said she’d make and a piece of that pie. You’ll get a complete food report tomorrow night!

I shared with them about the big bugs attacking me last night while I wrote my blog. Johnny mentioned a song by Ray Stevens “The Mississippi Squirrel Revival so we listened to that while munching on chips and the Velveeta cheese and salsa dip Teresa made for game night at their church tonight.

We are having an early night tonight. Rain is expected shortly, and we want to be snug in our car when the rain starts.

A photo of our camp tonight. The nearby water looks like a place an alligator might want to live…

And last a photo of me. I am sitting at the picnic table surrounded by nature writing my blog.

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