Saturday, April 22, 2023

Lost in Paradise (Day 25 Road Trip)

We spent the morning doing laundry and helped Tammy a little bit by separating out her homemade noodles so they could dry. It was a relaxing morning of visiting. Joe took Bentley for a long walk which they both enjoyed.

After lunch, we headed over to Harrison Brothers Hardware in downtown Huntsville. Harrison Brothers Hardware was founded in 1894 as a general store. They currently sell locally made art, fine crafts, candy, toys, books, gourmet foods and other gift items. Many of the original fixtures are still on display. If a store has the name ‘hardware’ in it, I figure Joe may be interested.

A few photos from our visit to Harrison Brothers Hardware:

Kent wandering the aisles - checking out the cool stuff on the top shelves.

Tammy expressing excitement over the merchandise (this was one of the three shots of her being silly - and it came out a perfect photo).

A representative section of the older merchandise they still display.

Top and bottom photo - Joe checking out the merchandise.

Today the store was celebrating Earth Day by inviting visitors to make wildflower seed balls to take home and plant in their yards. It will be fun to see how Tammy and Kent’s seed balls work out.

After the trip to Harrison Brothers, we drove to Guntersville Lake. Our goal was to go to the community of Guntersville. Tammy was the navigator using Google Maps as her source. Somewhere along the way we got a bit turned around and a 40-minute drive one way and a 30-minute return drive (we started from northern Huntsville) turned into a four-hour drive. Kent and Joe were in the front seats, and they were adamant that Kent was following the directions Tammy gave him.

A photo of the lake (from the itnernet)

In case you ever want to visit Guntersville... Use WAZE instead of GOOGLE

Tammy and I may have been distracted as we were busy… talking.

After three and a half hours of meandering the countryside we made it to Guntersville. We made a mad dash into Piggly Wiggly for a bathroom break and to purchase an ice cream snack for all of us. We headed back to Huntsville with a small side trip in Arab to look at a house that had belonged to Kent’s aunt before she passed away. Then we headed home to eat those noodles Tammy had made in the morning.

The noodles were a great treat and they surprised Joe and I with a special dessert. Moon Pies! We had never tasted a moon pie until this evening. Two flavors!

After Kent and Tammy cleaned up from dinner (I did my part – chatting with them while they worked), Joe took Bentley for another walk, Kent read, and Tammy and I talked.

Tammy and Kent do not believe they ever get lost – they just go adventuring. Today was a perfect day and they were the perfect people to ‘go adventuring.’ There was mild ribbing about the backseat navigators’ abilities and lots of laughter.

Should you ever feel lost, I truly hope you can find the adventure in the situation and that you enjoy the person (people) you are with in that moment. 

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