Friday, April 21, 2023

Heritage Quilters of Huntsville - Bonus Post

Tammy and I attended her monthly Heritage Quilters of Huntsville monthly meeting last night at a local church. I am estimating about 200 women were present.

As part of the meeting, attendees are invited to share their work. I was blown away at the work presented. I had no idea of the level of creativity of the people who quilt. Now I am a believer!

The early works I am sharing, I do not have the names of the people who created the work. The people holding the work are not necessarily the creators. Four women gave a presentation of their pictorial quilt work so I will list their names with their pieces.

I loved the stories that accompanied each piece of work. If you ever have the chance to go to a quilt show, I encourage you to do so. I know I am adding quilt shows to my “want to do in the future” list.

     These bags were made by Rhoda Johnson
This is a Quilt of Valor made by Pamela VerPlanck. A quilter will create a quilt for a specific Veteran. The Quilt tells the story of the Veteran's career. There are very specific rules about creating the quilts. Rhoda and Pamela are members of the local Quilt of Valor (Q of V) chapter, Liberty Piecemakers of Huntsville. Service members are nominated thru the National Q of V site. Rhoda wrote,”Our ladies make them and they are certified by Q of V and presented to the recipient. We are always welcoming new members.” My cousin is making one for her brother, Denver (Doug) Higley. The quilt in the photo is not for Doug.

                 Free motion quilt by Rhoda Johnson

Pieces by Anne Clough:

Pieces by Kim Johnson:

Pieces by Sherry Cahill:

Pieces by Sue Bartlow:

I hope I gave the correct credit to each person!


  1. I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the Huntsville quilters. You got great pictures of these amazing art quilts. The topic for the meeting was “landscape and pictorial” quilts which is why there aren’t any of the more traditional styles in case your readers are wondering. A quilt show for your bucket list is the Heritage Quilters of Huntsville show in March, 2024. More information is on our website. DeeDee

    1. Thank you for the additional information, Dee Dee.


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