Monday, April 17, 2023

Winding Up Our Texas Visit (Day 20 Road Trip)

Joe and I popped over to Teresa and Johnny’s for coffee this morning. We have been using coffee bags at our campsite since leaving Elizabeth & Dave in Arizona. Freshly brewed coffee was a treat!

We did a few errands and got back to our campsite around 1:00 pm. We decided to upgrade for $2.50 a night and get a site with electricity so we could charge our laptops and phones to 100%. We can charge the phones as we drive; however, since the drives have only been 25-30 minutes at a time since last Friday, we haven’t been getting full charges. We did charge at Johnny and Teresa’s while we were visiting.

We are ready to leave in the morning to head to Jefferson, Louisiana to see Joe’s Aunt Cornelia. Cornelia is Joe’s mom’s younger sister. We will be staying in a hotel near her home. It is a short stay – dinner tomorrow evening and breakfast the next morning (Wednesday) before we head on to Huntsville, Alabama to visit my cousin Tammy and her husband, Kent.

Today is a short day as I am working on updating our financial records and outlining our plans for North Carolina visits during what looks like will be sometime within the first ten days of May.

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