Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Bar Harbor & Acadia National Forest, Maine (Road Trip Day 50)

 It rained last night at the campground. While we were cozy beneath our sleeping bags it was windy and cold outside the tent. We managed to get a good night’s rest.

This morning we drove into Ellsworth to do laundry and go to a local credit union to get cash for our trip tomorrow to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada. We then drove to Bar Harbor where we ate lunch and then did a car trip through part of the Acadia National Forest. It rained for the drive with wind at 16 mph and gusts up to 30 mph. A good day for a drive.

The first three photos are from Bar Harbor.

 Photo taken at Cookery Drive Overlook at Mount Desert, Maine

Peak through the trees at Sand Beach in the Acadia National Park
View of the Atlantic Ocean/Maine shoreline during drive in Acadia National Park

Another shoreline view from Acadia National Park

Lunch consisted of lobster, clam chowder, corn on the cob, and blueberry pie. All of it was tasty. It was the first time I had eaten a whole lobster. I am good for another 66 years,

We are at the Ellsworth Library for a couple of hours as it is warmer and there is more room than hanging out at the campground. We will have an early dinner when the library closes at 5:00pm before going to the campsite.

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