Saturday, May 6, 2023

On the Road Again (Road Trip Day 39)

Today was a driving day. We drove from New Bern, North Carolina to Greenbelt Campground near Greenbelt, Maryland. It is a national forest area, so we get to use our America the Beautiful senior Pass to save on camping fees.

We started the morning with a quick trip by Jean’s house as Joe had left ‘Joe Droppings’ behind. “Droppings” is the term we use at our house when someone leaves something behind. It started with Megan. When she was small, she would leave small toys in places around the house. I’d go with a small basket and fill it up with Megan Droppings. We have used it with guests who leave things behind.

The most embarrassing droppings we have ever had was when a visiting (and dear) friend had done her laundry. Weeks later, Joe asked me, “Whose underwear are these?” as he held up a pair of men’s underwear. I couldn’t answer that question. After about half an hour I realized they belonged to our friend’s husband. Fortunately, Joe remembered she had done her laundry at our house.

Joe’s droppings were all our electronic charging cords. It was one more opportunity to say goodbye to Jean.

On the way to Jean’s house, we came across a turtle trying to cross the road. Joe stopped the car in the middle of the road and picked the turtle up to place it in the grass. Joe tried to give me a photo opportunity; however, the turtle would have none of it and snapped at Joe. I managed to get one photo.

When we were finally on the road, we knew it was at least a 6 ½ hour drive if all road conditions were good. We also like to stop every hour to use the restroom, possibly grab a snack, and change drivers. We were able to stick to this plan throughout the day until the last two hours. The city traffic was fast and furious and there really wasn’t an opportunity to stop. We were both grateful to get to the campground which seems like it is smack dab in the middle of a major metropolitan area. Joe commented that he immediately relaxed when we turned into the park. We are not city folk by any stretch.

I really appreciate the beauty of the rest stops in the Carolinas. Virginia is no exception.
I love the welcome signs and the beautiful buildings for restrooms and vending machines.

Also taken at Virginia rest stop or "Welcome Center."

Yesterday the campground personnel sent an email that two food trucks would be on site this evening. One would have ribeye and cheesesteak and the other ice cream. Both were to arrive at 6:00pm and as of 7:08pm neither had arrived. I am disappointed. I had been thinking about a ribeye sandwich since I got the darn email. At 8:00 pm there is supposed to be a campfire storyteller who also sings. Reminds me of childhood camping trips.

We will be at this campground for the next 5 nights before heading on to New Jerey and New York City. 

My view this evening while writing the blog.

I'm always happy when out campsite is near the bathroom...

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