Friday, May 19, 2023

Random Thoughts in Canada (Road Trip Day 52)

Cold. It is so very cold this morning in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Preparing us for Minnesota weather? In Minnesota we will not be living in a tent. At least that is not the plan. Megan, our daughter, is eager for us to all go camping in Minnesota later this summer. She said nothing about winter camping.

We are at the library until it warms up a bit. We can charge our electronics and look out at the city. There are three public libraries in this community of 70,800 people. We are at the East Branch Library. There is a children’s program happening right now. A lot of children talking in the background while I write. Also, some ‘running children’ noise.  Sounds like they are enjoying themselves. I am warm so I am enjoying myself.

Road signs in Saint John are in English and French. I took two ears of French in High School and I find it highly entertaining to try to pronounce the French. I know I’m slaughtering a language that sounds so pretty when someone who speaks the language well says the words. Also, I want to know why we never learned the word stop. It looks like a good word to know.

Here is a ‘silly me’ story from when we came through the border station yesterday. The (extremely handsome) male agent asked me to ‘roll down the back window please.’ Me: “It doesn’t roll down; I can get out and open the back hatch.” EHMA: Points at driver side back seat window. Me: “Oh!” I’d like to think I was just mesmerized by the agent’s looks. I suspect I was not representing Americans in a good light.

As he proceeded to ask us questions, I realized we are the ultimate in tame folks. The questions we were asked: Do either of you carry any firearms? Knives? Other potential weapons? (I think I paused for a second to think about whether we have anything that could be weaponized. Later I realized we might be able to set something on fire with our cooking burner – he didn’t ask about burners though). We were also asked if we had any illegal drugs or CBD. Now if I had illegal drugs would I admit it? We didn’t have any though.

We were then asked the reason for our visit – that was easy – vacation. How long do we plan to stay? Seven to eight days. Do we plan to visit anybody in Canada? No, we don’t know anyone in the area. Now I am wondering if I should have declared that I am eager to meet Deb and Hazel. Deb and Hazel each work for different campgrounds in Nova Scotia. I have been writing to them to solidify plans for campsites. They seem so nice and helpful, and they have each answered my questions in a timely and friendly manner. I think they could be friends.

I am also thinking I won’t have to declare any new friendships I may make when I leave Canada. Do you think the American border agent ask returning Americans who they will visit in the US and how long they plan to stay. Probably not. But my brain had fun with trying to answer with a list of everyone I know in the states.

Yesterday we stopped and had clams for lunch at Carman’s Diner. I have never had fresh deep fried clams near the ocean. They were nothing like the fried clams I’ve had in the past. They were big and juicy and I could have eaten a mountain of them. I looked up foods to try in New Brunswick and came across this article  My goal is to eat my way around Canada. First beause I love food and second because it is warmer indoors.

Of the thirteen items I want to try fiddleheads, ALL of the seafood (clams are already a hit with me), maybe dulse (a type of seaweed), maple products (maple cotton candy exists and I’d be willing to try it), chicken fricot, and rappie pie. Most of the other foods listed in the article are foods that I’ve tried other places; however it will be fun to try local beers and wines. Potato dishes are big here and I’m always up for trying potato dishes.

So if it is too cold to do much of anything else, rest assured I will eat my way through Canada.


  1. Maple cotton Candy sounds yummy! I hope you find it!

  2. I pray God sends you some warmer weather so you enjoy the beauty of Canada. The food sounds delicious I always try the local dishes. to Stay warm and keep on eating.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...