Woke up to 38 degree temperatures and winds of 20 miles per hour at 6:30am in Saint John New Brunswick. The wildflowers at our campsite seemed to enjoy the weather.

This afternoon I am sitting in Walton, Nova Scotia where it is 64 degrees. There is a slight breeze at our camp site. It is glorious.
Our drive today was filled with beauty and we were blessed with very little traffic. Once we hit the Nova Scotia border we began to see fields of dandelions everywhere.
We stopped at a Fundy Bay Interpretive area where Joe walked out to an overlook area and visited a museum.
Due to technical difficulties I cannot share with you his photo.
I took this from my vantage point while waiting for Joe.
This reminded me of Joe telling me that people in Canada stop for pedestrians even if there is no crosswalk. This happened to him several times while we were getting money exchanged in St. Stephen, yesterday. Canadians are kind people.
Later yesterday, Joe stopped for a pedestrian and the person just stood there and stared at us. Maybe it’s the California plate that bedazzled the gentleman. The man waved us on.While I was waiting at the Interpretive Center for Joe, an older woman (looked to be ninety) walked up to me and said, “you’re a long way from home!” Anna lives in Moncton New Brunswick and originally hails from Slovenia. She shared that she had visited Los Angeles and San Francisco while chaperoning students on trips.
Anna found the cities interesting; however two weeks was plenty of time to be around so many people and she was glad to come home to Moncton. She mentioned that she brought a bottle of California wine to bring back home and her husband was confounded. He thought she could have found something of more interest.We had a short but pleasant visit and she wished me a safe trip home.
Joe and I took highway 215 to the campground and it seeemed every time we turned a corner there was a breathtaking view. We were unable to get photos of the eagles soaring over the water. There are dandelions everywhere. Joe asked at the museum about the dandelions and was told that farmers used to mow the fields to keep the dandelions down. Now they are encouraged to leave them as they attract bees.
After we got to the campground, Joe walked to a nearby beach and collected shells and lava rock pieces for our grandchildren, Caleb (9) and Charlotte (7). As he walked up to me, I noticed he looked a bit disheveled. I asked if he had fallen and he said yes. It appears he lost his balance on some rocks. He said he was fine though as he pulled shells and rocks from various pockets. He looked at me and said, “I guess I’m a little boy.” It made me feel happy to see how happy he was about his treasures.
The other cool item today was the Canadian $5 bill. The bills are a texture that feels like a thin sturdy plastic.
Edited 5/22/2023 once back in Wi-Fi reach.
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