Friday, May 12, 2023

Silver Diner (Road Trip Day 45)

Joe took the bus from Paramus, New Jersey to New York City this afternoon to visit his son, I stayed behind and have been chatting with friends in California and catching up on Season 7 of Queer Eye on Netflix. Joe will spend the night in New York City, so this is the first time in 45 days we have been apart.

Since my day was uneventful, I am making this a short blog for today. I thought I would share  photos of the Silver Diner. This is a diner we discovered while in Greenbelt Maryland and we fell in love with their healthy menu. 

During my high school years, I worked at Lester's Diner in Bryan, Ohio. Silver Diner is about five times classier than Lesters. Still, it brought back memories.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to feel NYC without driving into it, find Port Imperial Blvd in West New York, NJ. Your GPS can get you there. Try to go at dusk. OMG, the views!


Words Matter

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