Monday, May 29, 2023

Taylor Edes Inn, Dexter Main (Road Trip Day 62)

We are in Dexter, Maine this afternoon. Our accommodation is at the Taylor Edes Inn. During our tour of the Inn, we were told that they often attract writers and shared with us a story of a writer who has a book coming out in several months – it sounds like a murder mystery. The man accused of killing the person hides in plain sight at the Taylor Edes Inn until local law enforcement figures out he is the killer. It is fiction.

Just thought I should clarify that.

The drive from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Dexter was uneventful. We took the longer route so we could enjoy the backroads of Maine. After we crossed the U.S. border it took almost until Dexter before the landscape began to change. Lots of trees and greenery with rolling hills.

I am sitting on the porch of the Inn, enjoying the view, and wondering how I can convince Ginger and Kim to come late next spring for a women’s weekend (or week) in this idyllic inn. It reminds me of all the inns featured in various women’s fiction I’ve read over the years. By the way there is a hot tub!

Photos from the porch at the Inn:

Photos from our suite at the Inn:

Sun Room off of our room

We are staying in the Yellow Room.

At the United States border today they asked us these questions:

               Do you have any fruit from Canada?

               How long were you in Canada?

               Where did you enter Canada?

               Where are you going next in the United States?

               Why did you choose Dexter, Maine?

               Where are you going after Dexter?

Unlike Canada they did not ask us if we had any weapons or marijuana. They were okay with us bringing an apple in – they were looking for oranges.

Someone else may know why they are interested in where we are going within our own country. It seemed strange to me that I needed to give my itinerary to the border agent to travel in our own country. Please explain why this is if you know. Maybe I’ll Google it later.

Tomorrow’s drive to Dingman Ferry Pennsylvania is a long one. Almost seven hours. With rest stops and a meal, it will probably be 9 hours. We are looking forward to visiting with a friend I met thirteen years ago in an online forum.



  1. What a lovely place to stay! I’m envious! Enjoy!

    1. We enjoyed a glass of wine on the porch while visiting with the innkeepers - David and Tammy. - Beth


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...