Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday Funday (Road Trip Day 89)

My cousin, Doug, and his wife, Karen, drove over from Grosse Pointe, Michigan to visit with us today. They treated us to breakfast at a unique restaurant in Coldwater. Stoagies Family Room Cafe is located inside of a house.

Coffee cups are mismatched - the one they gave me brought a smile to my face.

Doug at breakfast with us this morning.

Doug is the son of my Aunt Betty (one of my mom’s older sisters) and Uncle Butch and brother to my cousin Tammy that we visited in Huntsville, Alabama earlier in our road trip. Over the years, he or he and his wife would visit us in California when one or the other travelled to California on business. Like us, they are both retired and enjoying the retired life. We always enjoy visiting with them!

After breakfast we came back to the cottage and sat outside under the maple tree in the backyard and talked until about 3:00 pm, at which time we headed back to Coldwater to have a treat at Dairy Queen.

This morning while Joe went for his walk, he noticed a rain cloud. He turned back and almost made it when it started raining. His jacket, hair, and pants were wet, his shirt damp.

This afternoon as we were leaving Dairy Queen it started to storm. We stopped to get gas and the rain and wind became torrential. Joe was already in the process of getting gasoline when the downpour turned insane. The wind was so strong that the rain was sideways. Joe’s second time to get soaked today!

Joe wanted to stop at the grocery store so I drove as close as I could to the building to let him out. By the time he came out of the store, ten minutes later, the rain had let up a bit.

This storm was welcomed by local farmers (except maybe the wheat farmers) as it has been a dryer than normal year around the area.

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