Saturday, July 22, 2023

Hudkins Family Reunion

We attended the Hudkins family reunion in Bryan, Ohio today. With help from cousins Doug, Karen, and Joan we had everything set up as folks started arriving. My preliminary account was thirty-two people came to visit with each other today.

Ernest and Ethel Hudkins were my mother’s parents. They had ten children (an eleventh died within a few hours of being born). The children in chronological order were Kathryn, Jane and Jean (twins and these are their middle names that they went by), Betty, Doris, Chuck, Owen, DeAnn (my mom), Judy, and Janet. Now only Doris, Judy and Janet are still with us. Ernest and Ethel’s ten offspring parented thirty-four children. Seven of my first cousins and my sister have passed on; we are down to twenty-six of our generation. I have lost count of how many 3rd and 4th generation children were born. Probably if I got the family tree book that April compiled, I would know…

Today I tried to spend time with everyone to chat a bit about what is going on in their lives and ask them their thoughts about future reunions. The consensus was that there was no consensus. I suspect we will continue to figure it out as we go.

The reunion, from 11 am to 3 pm, was held at the Bryan Community Center. There was a ton of food. Healthy and comfort food choices – all of it tasty from the comments around the tables. People cautioned me that other people usually started leaving early. Yet we only had two people leave before 3:00 pm. One because he had a project he was trying to complete and the second was tired. With the help of everyone still there the tables and chairs got put away by 3:10 pm. Then people stood around hanging out and chatting for another 30 minutes.

We held two contests. One was a scavenger hunt where people could find people among those present who had done certain things like served in the military or walked to school. Joan won that contest! Denise won the other challenge which was to identify as many people as possible in six pages of photos – many of the photos taken by Joan at past reunions.

After the reunion a few of us from out of town connected for a drink (coffee, beer, Irish coffee) at Kona’s in downtown Bryan. We were excited to hear about Michael’s successful apprenticeship with a gaming company recently. Michael is Jorge and Denise’s son – we stayed with them during our 95-day road trip earlier this spring and summer.

After the gathering at Kona’s, Karen, Doug, Joe, and I came back to Sauder’s Heritage Inn where we are staying and had a buffet dinner at The Barn here at Sauder’s Village.

Then I crashed! I was so tired I took a 40-minute rest break where I listened to a meditation and briefly napped.

I really enjoyed watching people connect today. In my mind that is the reason for attending a family reunion. Since I lived in California, I only attended two reunions over the past fifty years. Now that we are closer, we can attend more often if we are able to drive.

I also enjoyed talking with people and hearing their stories or listening to them talk about what is important to them right now in their lives.

Over the next several days as I process today, I may (or may not) write more about the reunion. In the meantime, enjoy photos of this fine family.

Judy - the only one of Ernest and Ethel's surviving children who could make it to the reunion this year.

Earl - this dude rode in with us from Minnsota yesterday. He is Jean's oldest son and the second oldest person at the reunion this year (Judy had the honor of being the oldest).

Gary, Roseanne, and their daughter Paula (Roseanne is one of Earl's sisters)

Left to Right: Cynthia, Linda, Debbie, and Kim. Cynthia and Linda are Earl's and Roseanne's sisters. Debbie and Kim are Doris' offspring and therefore sisters.

Third generation fun! Tom and Allan (brothers) and Allan's wife, Sue. Tom and Allan's dad was Jim (James) one of Jane's sons.
Allan shared with the group a heartfelt tribute to his brother Shawn who passed away almost a year ago. They brought a large photo of Shawn as a tribute to his memory.

Lisa and Denise. Lisa is 3rd generation (daughter of Linda in photo above). Denise is 2nd generation, daughter of Judy and sister to Dean and Dennis in photos below. Lisa hosted the 25th Family Reunion a number of years ago (maybe like 15 or 16 years ago?) on her farm. Denise has been hostessing the family reunions for many years and took a break this year. She also is the fiduciary for the family reunion funds.

Jennifer and Dean and one of their two dogs who attended the reunion today. They are the parents of three children who were all at the reunion today, see photo below. Dean is the brother of Dennis and Denise.

Cody, Mackenzie, Jimi, Allan behind Jimi, and Caleb. Mackenzie and Caleb are cildren of Jennifer and Dean above). Cody is Mackenzie's boyfriend and Jimi is Caleb's girlfriend. Aaron, the third child of Jennfer and Dean was missing in action during the photos.
Dennis with wife Dee, and Michael and Jorge. Dennis is the son of Judy and brother to Denise and Dean pictured above. Michael (son) and Jorge (spouse) belong with Denise.


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