Monday, July 31, 2023

Meanderings of a Retiree

Blog topics. I have been researching topic ideas for days like today. I mean really, who wants to know that I did three loads of laundry while Joe worked in the yard? Or that I ate bratwurst with a kale salad on the side for dinner?

Or that I sorted forwarded mail from Woodland and deposited a check online. Maybe you are interested in knowing that I binge watched season 5 of How to Get Away with Murder on Netflix.

It was suggested that I might only write this blog once a week and use it for highlights. I thought about it and decided that there were two reasons I am going to stick with daily right now.

1.      One purpose when I started the blog was to give me a space to write each day. I wanted the discipline of writing.

2.      I would rather search for something to write daily than to get to the end of the week and discover I have nothing interesting to say.

Laugh out loud (LOL), I would rather take the risk of boring my readers daily than just once a week.

In the coming weeks, I am going to be exploring daily prompts to get writing ideas. I’d appreciate it if anyone who reads the blog would introduce questions or topics they’d like to read about here. I appreciated my cousin Joan’s blog comment that sparked me to write about my substitute teaching career and deer.

My life is an open book. You want to know the story of how Joe and I met? Or how I became friends with Ginger? Or why I chose to work in the business world as a career? Want to know about the worst boss I ever had (no names, only traits of what made them toxic for me)? Want to know why I am so darn happy almost every day? I got the happy gene, and my brain looks for life lessons in difficult situations and the good in others.

My friend Ginger has told me on more than one occasion that I give people so much rope that they tie me to the chair. Yep. That is true. In the end it doesn’t matter if I’m tied to the chair because the perpetrator must live with their ugliness, and I get to move on in my happy world. Out of sight out of mind. As my folks would tell me when I’d complain about a bully as a child, “Well, if they are busy picking on you, they are leaving someone else alone.”

It’s pretty darn hard to be a victim when your parents are making you out as some kind of a hero for being a bully’s verbal target. I was taught to ignore, girls don’t punch. Especially when the bully is an adult and you are a child.

Well for someone who started writing and had nothing to say today… I guess I was wrong.

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