Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Community Night and Other Tidbits of the Day

The HOA in our neighborhood celebrated community night by providing residents free pizza, ice cream, and water. Neighbors gathered in the yard and street of a residence (one with a flat front yard) to visit and eat. There were 7 different types of pizzas, all cooked onsite in a pizza oven. Mighty fine eating!

Caleb working on eating another piece of pizza - the prize was a second ice cream selection - an ice cream sandwich. Ice cream was from Dairy Queen! I ate a Dilly Bar...

The pizza tent with multiple types of pizza. Hot and fresh cooked on site.

One of the two guys keeping us in pizza!

Check out their logo!

After Joe and I used the morning to run errands, Joe worked in the yard while I completed online pre-applications for our Minnesota Real ID driver licenses and gathered up documents, we will need to complete the application process. Now we wait for DVS to notify us by email that they have reviewed our applications and we can take the final step. Go to a DVS location to get the actual license application completed. We should be able to take our documents and make a visit to the DVS in Buffalo within the next three days.

I also did a little organizing of documents. RSVP’d for Debbie and Steve’s wedding celebration in September in Bend, Oregon, watched a Facebook video of Heather Cox Richardson talking about the indictment of Trump on four counts today. Heather is a well-respected historian; you can read her daily Letters from an American on Substack. https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/

Then one of my Facebook friends posted this lovely meme and it made me smile. 

I am thankful for all of my family friends who already contribute to the magic in my life.

1 comment:

Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...